How To Sell Your House in El Paso During the Holidays – A Guide for Sellers

Do you own a home in El Paso that you want to sell but are reluctant to put on the market now that it’s the holiday season? While selling your home during the holiday season can present challenges, keep reading for some great advice on how to try to find a buyer even when Christmas is right around the corner.

The truth is that so few homeowners go through the trouble to try to sell during the holiday season that there is reduced competition! This means you can get your house greater exposure by selling it during the holidays. Additionally, buyers who are looking for a home during the holidays are almost always motivated to move quickly, which you can use to your advantage. Want to know more? Keep reading…

Tips For Selling Your Home in El Paso During the Holiday Season

When you are trying to sell your house during the holiday season, you want to take advantage of all that cheer by ensuring that people feel that special warm and cozy vibe as soon as they walk into your home. A great way to do this is by offering seasonal snacks during a showing.

Sugar cookies, gingerbread men, a cheese log or brie, or even hot apple cider or cocoa add an aroma to the air. Not a fan of sweets? Freshly baked bread or a real Christmas tree to add a pine scent can also give your house a cozy, holiday vibe without the fear of sugary spills or stains.

Don’t forget the lighting! If you have a fireplace, make sure it’s lit when trying to sell your house in El Paso during the holiday season. If it’s too warm for the fireplace to be lit, put up some lights or other candles that celebrate the season.

Hire a Professional Decorator

If you want to have your house stand out, have a professional decorator prepare it for a showing. People do this all the time for big holiday parties, you could use the same approach with the focus of preparing the house for a festive holiday showing to potential buyers. There just is no substitute for having an impartial, professionally trained third party to help you decide how to tastefully prepare your house to show to potential buyers.

One thing to note, a professional designer may want you to purchase decorations outright. An option to help with this cost would be a staging company that can bring the decorations you need right to your door. With this option, you only pay a fraction of the cost of purchasing all the decorations you use because you return them after your sale or show.

Resist the Urge to Overdecorate

Whenever you want to make people feel invited into a home you are trying to sell, you want to avoid making it feel cluttered. This just makes the place feel smaller and doesn’t leave room for you potential buyers to imagine their furnishings, etc. in the home. It’s best to be selective and use restraint when decorating.

The right touch here or there will help keep the place cheery. Whatever you do, definitely leave any old or broken ornaments in the box. They may have plenty of sentimental value, but they aren’t going to help you sell your home. Remember, you want buyers to feel the cheer of the season, not like they are intruding on someone else’s holiday.

Don’t Overlook the Way Your House Looks from the Street

They don’t say you never get a second chance to make a first impression without meaning it. Always keep in mind that the first time your potential buyers will see your house is when they pull up. You want to make sure the appearance of your house is cheery, tasteful, and well-kept. Lighting can be a great tool here to add a splash of holiday cheer to make your house even more inviting.

Keep in mind you don’t want to fit in tastefully with your neighborhood. Having far more or fewer lights up can make your house stand out for the wrong reasons upon first impression.

Stay Optimistic!

Continue to think outside the box about how to make your house attractive and memorable to stand out to those looking to buy a home during the holiday. If you are having trouble finding a buyer for your house in El Paso, you can always call Level Cash Home Offers. We buy houses in any kind of condition at any time of year. Send us a message or call today to know more.

Do you want to sell your house in El Paso? No matter what time of the year, we can help! Send us a message, or give our office a call today!

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